According to Marias facebook page,she has had her business and personal bank accts frozen.Since when did a bank have the authority to do this for not liking what someone has to say?
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gabriel morrow
10 jul 2021
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Not only that but I suspect she has been shadow banned on Facebook
Since. The post I shared on her page never got any reactions whatsoever not even hate comments
Me gusta
22 jun 2021
You all are nuts!
Me gusta
23 jun 2021
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Are you going to make insults and run away,or be a man/woman and enlighten us with your wisdoms,and why the election was flawless?
Me gusta
21 jun 2021
Doug Tennapel was a good source for Arizona updates......but he's just had his youtube account terminated(along with Eric Metaxas) for daring to suggest the election may have been fraudulent.Might find them on Rumble
Me gusta
gabriel morrow
21 jun 2021
Anything new from Maria?
Me gusta
21 jun 2021
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Sorry,think that first clip is already on Nations in Action website
According to Marias facebook page,she has had her business and personal bank accts frozen.Since when did a bank have the authority to do this for not liking what someone has to say?
You all are nuts!
Doug Tennapel was a good source for Arizona updates......but he's just had his youtube account terminated(along with Eric Metaxas) for daring to suggest the election may have been fraudulent.Might find them on Rumble
Anything new from Maria?