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New Affidavit - Neal David Sutz - 1.21.21 - People continue to come forward with information...

New Affidavit - Neal David Sutz - 1.21.21 - People continue to come forward with information regarding Nations In Action's investigation into the fraudulent presidential election. Here is the latest affidavit we’ve received. We have not yet fully vetted all the information contained within but are working to do so. We believe in full transparency.

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Feb 09, 2021

Feb 08, 2021

Thank you for your thoughts and I agree. I’m just questioning the “new” ways they used to steal it - unfortunately the first several you listed seem to be nothing new. I can’t imagine that all the people who were in on the delivery of ballots in the middle of the night (and did this happen in only one county?) also knew that they were going to get a satellite dump. So I feel like there were two coup operations going on, on the ground with trained and paid Soros operation of election thieves, and Obama, Stephon S. (Can’t remember how to spell his name) & the others in the satellite operation, but haven’t seen anything to prove they coinci…


Feb 08, 2021

They stole in about 10 ways. Dead peoples, underage, non citizens, not in the state living, peoples were sent 3 to 5 ballots, scanning same ballots 10 or more times, electoral via internet/ satellite, changing the algorithm. When they saw it was not enough they stopped counting and gave the order for the italien job. Than later that night 80 to 95% votes counted for Biden. This was the Aturo D'Elia thing.


Feb 08, 2021

@ocke.kruger - I am wondering about what the connection is, if any, between the amount of paper ballots that were clearly brought in the van(s), and the satellite dumps. Why would they need to scan the ballots if it’s done electronically? Do you have any thoughts? Maybe for the hand recount so they had to have enough paper to back up what the satellite was bringing in?


Feb 05, 2021 Absolute proof by Mike Lindell

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